Rift where to buy horse mount
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Email Address: Follow. Tags 3. All original contents belong to their respective owners. Salty Head Village is the easiest place to look for a mount. There are level 50 mobs here, so watch out lowbies! The beach is long and filled with our friends, the fish folk. The mount walks the length of the entire beach. There are fish folk all the way up and down the beach, which is why you rarely see low levels trying to catch these mounts.
If all has gone well, then you should be in Salty Head Village in no time. You will know you're there because it is a beach with a lot of fish folk. Just run up and down the beach to see if the mount is there. The pink is the possible area where the mount may spawn.
Master this one, and you are golden. Not only does the epic mount of the zone spawn here, but also level 1 and 2 mounts. The tricky part is that there are three different routes in this one area. The area has few landmarks other than fissures and lava.
Howeverm the epic mount does span near the most southern large skeleton. The best thing to do is explore this area and learn it, there is no easy way to just find the mount, unless you camp one place.
The mounts here walk two paths, sometimes a third. All of which are through the ruins and up the north steps. It walks up this hill, and stairs, so if you just run through the flat part, you will miss the mount. This is another place low levels have a difficult time catching a mount. There are two paths the mount walks. Patch 3. Comments Popular Latest Tags. Saido: just a note -- if you're still updating this -- that at skill you get the same results from….
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