What type of panda is shifu
So master Shifu and Po are acually related if you think about it. I think that's funny. That post gave me cancer blaze, rey posted over a year ago. Te big ears and small size has just reminded me of chinchilla. Blazefan4life said: he a red panda. Also, his ears are wrong so while I believe he is a red panda he is not the correct look for one. I also have to comment that If you listen to the commentary from the DVD, you hear that the actor who voices Shifu made the producers make Shifu a panda; and a Red Panda to be accurate.
ILuvTigress said: Red Panda Saori14 said: He IS a red panda. See the similarity? Artist said: Yes. He is in fact a red panda. I am one hundred percent sure that he is a little red panda. One of the pandas that survived the invasion and destruction inflicted upon the panda village was none other than Mei Mei — the woman that Po has been arranged to marry. Besides her fixation on her husband to be, Mei Mei has one true passion in her life: she loves ribbon dancing.
He is an evil, disowned, and manipulative peacock prince who wanted to take over China and destroy Kung Fu with his cannons. Lord Shen is an evil and callous peacock who wants to eliminate every panda in China.
He has no problem in killing anyone who opposes him, going as far as to kill Boss Wolf for disobeying his orders. Remember Me. Home Gaming. What animal is Shifu? Reading Time: 8 mins read. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter. Also, Is Shifu a cat? Surely, you must already know the answer: Master Shifu is a red panda! Will there be a 4th Kung Fu Panda?
Tags: gongmen. Share Tweet Pin Previous Post What should I watch after my name? Related Posts. But, as they were told off camera, Master Shifu is actually a red panda. Shifu was a raccoon. But as he was told off-screen, Master Shifu is actually a red panda. Primo Po wakes up and comments on his Furious Five characters, especially the tigers , and tries to mimic his roar. The tiger Panthera tigris , the largest member of the feline family Felidae , is rivaled in strength and ferocity only by the lion Panthera leo.
After a moment of total indecision, Tai Lung hardened his heart and grabbed his Master by the throat and announced that he would find no excuse: he still wanted the role.
They had announced it would be a set of 6 films and the first three have already been released.