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Julie Horner, School Psychologist — jhorner wisheights. View All News ». Skyward Go. About WI Heights Schools. What's New? Please use the Fruit Order link to place your order — the orders are due by November […] Read more ». Bucky Books Are Here! Read the full announcement Read more ». Close Font Resize. Enable keyboard navigation. Readable Font.
Choose color black white green blue red orange yellow navi. Underline links. Highlight Links. Clear cookies. The law also stipulates that students be given a mechanism by which they can conveniently and confidentially notify an instructor of the conflict. A great variety of valid claims exist for religious groups, and there is no practical, dignified, and legal means to assess the validity of individual claims. The following three guidelines that have been developed to provide clarity for both students and instructors: 1 Announce early in the semester that your students must notify you within the first two weeks of class of the specific days or dates on which they request relief.
Including this information on your course syllabus is encouraged, to make sure your students are informed of the policy. Occasionally, students may not fully understand the necessity for prior notice, and under these circumstances we urge you to be as flexible as possible. Our policy seeks to be sensitive to the needs of individual students. See the calendar below for a listing, though not exhaustive, of religious holidays. Please see secfac. Key Academic Deadlines: registrar.
Religious holidays are bolded in the list above. In accordance with regent and faculty policy, faculty are asked not to schedule mandatory exercises on days when religious observances may cause substantial numbers of students to be absent from the university. Academic calendar dates summer PDF.
For questions about commencement, see: commencement. Final grades are due to the Office of the Registrar 72 hours after the last final exam day, regardless of whether or not a two-hour summary block exam was held. This is the deadline approved by the Faculty Senate.. U niversity of W isconsin —Madison. Expand all Collapse all. We are also asking instructors to plan ahead and exercise flexibility with students through the following actions: Posting a notification in Canvas or email students directly before the start of the semester to highlight the coinciding dates, our campus religious observance policy and plans to offer flexibility.
Making any first day materials perhaps including a brief welcome video available digitally, via email or Canvas. Offering an asynchronous option for classes meeting on September 8. Offering opportunities to meet with students who are not able to attend the first day — e.