Which ftb pack has flans mod
At the very least you need flans mod 2. Not the esiest mod to install but as long as you make sure your downloading the correct versions and not the latest versions for 1.
KirinDave New Member. I've vetted that modpack and I do not get the appeal over Xeno's Reliquary, which has a single gun system that is actually more fun than every other gun put together. OmegaPython New Member. KirinDave said:. That's a link to the forum page not links to the items your trying to instal.
And I still don't know what your trying to instal it with Ok, it's late here so lets try something else. I am going to assume you are installing it with some FTB pack running minecraft 1. I am also going to assume your running windows.
If any of those assumptions are wrong tell me as this won t work Download this Find your FTB folder and open it. Find the pack your using, ie: ultimate etc open that and find the folder "minecraft" open that and find your Mods folder and put the zipped file you just downloaded into the Mods folder. Now start up the game and run it Now close the game.
Now find your FTB folder again. Open the pack folder and find the "minecraft folder". In the minecraft folder you should now see a new folder called "Flans" Now download these two files In other words unzip the files, put the contents of both unzipped files into that new "Flans" folder. It is prob x2 folders and a couple of "read me documents". That's it. If you did it right it should work. I prob' explained it badly but the short version is the main file.
Do not unzip it. Flans mod! Thread starter powerupxx Start date Dec 27, JavaScript is disabled. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Jul 29, 4 0 0. I personally think it should be added to feed the beast or at least made compatible so server operators can activate and deactivate. It seems like a great and interesting mod, and it allows what i feel is the last dimension of transportation since the inclusion of the traincraft mod.
Currently there are many ways to increase player speed thaumcraft and take to the sky's with very little verticel speed industrial craft jet packs and ways to move massive amounts of materials accross your world train craft. Now i think we should add a mod that lets they player move across the world. Search forums. Flans mod Pack in FTB? Thread starter MathewsonBro Start date Apr 24, JavaScript is disabled.
For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Is there going to be Flans mod pack in FTB in a new update? Yes Votes: 2 Maybe Votes: 2 No Votes: 5 Total voters 8 Poll closed May 1, MathewsonBro New Member. Jul 29, 4 0 0. NosePicker New Member. Jul 29, 0 0.