Who is mona
I know: I saw it when I presented him with a copy of my book on his renowned ancestress. Is there a new book on the way?
I see it as a jubilant combination of history, travel reporting, memoir, and love letter to Italy — a culture, rather than a mere country, that has transformed art and architecture, language and music, food and fashion.
This is fascinating and when next I am in Florence I want to do this walking tour. Thank you so much for sharing this story. This was so interesting about the Mona Lisa. She was a beautiful woman. Thank you for sharing your research I learned so much!
I was captivated by this amazing story, Lisa Gherardini, the real Mona Lisa. She was a very beautiful woman. Thank you for your research and writing this story. I have been called the Mona Lisa half my life because people said that I looked like the painting and have been stopped at airports and museums to have my picture taken.
Mona Lisa's identity. Based on the mid-sixteenth century biography of Leonardo da Vinci by Giorgio Vasari, many historians believe the painting is a portrait of Madam Lisa Giocondo, wife of a wealthy Florentine. Mona missing the crime the suspects Mona's identity Leonardo's technique myth of Mona Lisa Mona's return timeline. Hey there, Ms. Bayko's Class, we are so happy you shared your Wonder comment with us this morning!
One of the coolest things about art is that everyone's opinion matters! If you see the Mona Lisa painting and you don't think it's that great-- that's okay! He was an artist, a scientist and an inventor! He had many talents to share which makes him a very famous historical figure! Every year people come to France to see Mona Lisa.
You're right, Kyle! Thanks so much for sharing your comment today, isn't the Mona Lisa the painting and the woman so fun to Wonder about? We Wonder if you have a favorite painting, Kyle? Perhaps you enjoy painting or drawing? We are undergoing some spring clearing site maintenance and need to temporarily disable the commenting feature. Thanks for your patience. Drag a word to its definition. You have answered 0 of 3 questions correctly and your score is:.
Want to add a little wonder to your website? Help spread the wonder of families learning together. We sent you SMS, for complete subscription please reply. Follow Twitter Instagram Facebook. Who was Mona Lisa? Where is the Mona Lisa? Who painted the Mona Lisa? Wonder What's Next?
What's the most money you could ever imagine spending for a work of art? Are there things that you possess that you wouldn't trade for any amount of money? Simple possessions, such as books or video games, probably aren't priceless.
But what about photographs? Or memories? How about your health? Take some time today to think about what is truly priceless to you! How do the Mona Lisa's caretakers make sure she is in tip-top shape?
They give her a check-up, of course! Watch National Geographic's Testing the Mona Lisa video to learn about how art experts and scientists use modern technology to make sure the world's most famous and most valuable painting will be with us for many more years. It's time to exercise your imagination! Picture Mona Lisa's smile in your mind, and then write a brief story explaining exactly why Mona Lisa is smiling. Does she know a secret? Perhaps she is remembering a humorous memory from her childhood?
Maybe the painter had broccoli stuck in his teeth? Your story can be funny or serious. It's up to you! Just use your imagination to come up with a story that explains what you think Mona Lisa is smiling about.
Did you get it? Test your knowledge. What are you wondering? Wonder Words gaze pun subject poplar merchant bulletproof portrait acquired contraction patriot auction enigmatic commissioned jocund jovial vandalism famous permanent Take the Wonder Word Challenge.
Join the Discussion. Feb 19, Nov 15, If you are teaching small kids about her than sure, anything else, I do not recommed. I like the Mona lisa but how do you make wonders??????
Aug 20, GillisNA23 Jan 12, I love art. I wonder if I could draw like that one day:. Jan 16, What do you like to draw? Wickie Oct 25, Oct 27, The following is how you would cite this page: "Who Was Mona Lisa?
Lyra Sep 21, How much do you know about Mona Lisa? Let us know. Sep 25, Davin Dec 8, Dec 9, Bhakti Apr 20, Apr 21, We're glad you learned something new! Micah Whitfield Jan 26, Mona Lisa is a cool person to learn about and she can be found in a museum. Jan 26, Lizz Dec 15, Bonnie Apr 28, Feb 17, We agree, Wonder Friend!
We love hearing from all our Wonder Friends! Dec 16, Jesse Nov 24, Very good article and i've always wondered about the Mona Lisa Painting. Nov 24, Sep 17, Tyler Apr 30, Thanks I used this information for my lesson in work time. Thanks Wonderopolis! Wonderopolis Apr 30, That's great news, thanks for including our Mona Lisa Wonder in your work, Tyler!
Way to go! Wonderopolis Apr 29, Wonderopolis Apr 25, Wonderopolis Apr 23, We love your enthusiasm, T. Thanks for sharing your comment! ArtLover Apr 23, Wonderopolis Apr 21, PittM Apr 9, Hi Wonderopolis, I acually saw the Mona Lisa at the Louvre and it's creepy because her eyes follow you everywhere!
But it was very beautiful! Wonderopolis Apr 10, Elizabeth Thompson Mar 20, I was like " I'm pretty sure I don't have Mona Lisa " hahahaha!!!! I just wanted to share that!!! Wonderopolis Mar 20, Bob the Builder Mar 19, In his Mona Lisa , the individual, a sort of miraculous creation of nature, represents at the same time the species: the portrait goes beyond its social limitations and acquires a universal meaning.
Although Leonardo worked on this picture as a scholar and thinker, not only as a painter and poet, the scientific and philosophical aspects of his research inspired no following.
But the formal aspect - the new presentation, the nobler attitude, and the increased dignity of the model - had a decisive influence over Florentine portraits of the next twenty years, over the classical portrait. With his Mona Lisa, Leonardo created a new formula, at the same time more monumental and more lively, more concrete and yet more poetic than that of his predecessors.
Before him, portraits had lacked mystery; artists only represented outward appearances without any soul, or, if they showed the soul, they tried to express it through gestures, symbolic objects, or inscriptions. The Mona Lisa alone is a living enigma: the soul is there, but inaccessible. The French king displayed the painting in his Fontainebleau palace where it remained for a century.
At the outset of the 19th century, Napoleon Bonaparte kept the painting in his boudoir. Leonardo da Vinci died in , and he is buried at a French castle. Italy's National Committee for Cultural Heritage is undertaking an investigation, and plans to dig up his skull.
They want to rebuild Leonardo's face, using CSI-style technology. Will he resemble the mysterious Mona Lisa? It is a painting but not a canvas.
Da Vinci's famous masterpiece is painted on a poplar plank. Considering he was accustomed to painting larger works on wet plaster, a wood plank does not seem that outlandish.
Canvas was available to artists since the 14th century, but many Renaissance masters preferred wood as a basis for their small artworks. She has her own room in the Louvre Museum in Paris.