Golf slice what is
On the transition to the downswing, your weight shifts back toward center and eventually to your forward foot on your follow-through. If you don't make that weight shift from your back foot to your forward foot, your "center" will be too far behind the ball. This results in reaching for the ball and making contact with an open clubface.
GolfLink Lifestyle. What Causes a Slice in Golf? By Bill Herrfeldt. Right-handed golfers often have the tendency to hit the golf ball to the right--this is called a slice. Left-handers also slice the ball, but it will head to the left. A shot that starts right of the target line and then curves farther right is a " push -slice.
At its root, a sliced shot is caused by the clubface arriving at impact with the golf ball in an open position. This may be due to setup or swing issues that cause the face to open, or to an outside-to-inside swing path that effectively opens the face by "wiping" or "swiping" across the golf ball, imparting "slice spin.
Cutting across the ball at impact on an outside-to-inside swing path is also called "coming over the top. Those are the two primary causes of a slice, and in combination can create a much more severe slice. Does the dreaded slice plague your golf game? Maybe you'll be able to stop slicing your shots with the tips below. Start by checking out several of your fundamentals to make sure simple setup problems aren't causing that slice.
Often both the clubface position and the swing path must be corrected to rid yourself of the unintentional slice permanently.
There are many videos on YouTube from golf instructors that focus on the slice. And remember that the draw shot is the opposite of the slice, so teaching yourself how to draw the ball is also a way of eliminating the slice. It's always best to solve a problem in golf by fixing the root cause, such as a clubface position, swing path or setup issue. Inverted head angles are comfortable to many slicers because it makes them feel like they can better see their targets — in this case, the left side of the fairway.
But in doing so, it inadvertently tilts the top of the spine in the wrong direction and points the shoulders more to the left. This presents a huge challenge for those of us who have always sliced the ball. We need to learn to embrace the right side of the fairway. The problem is this stance creates a poor transition and downswing and makes changing their swing almost impossible.
Here are three golf slice fixes that will help make sure the face is not open to your path at impact:. Try to see 3 or more knuckles on the lead hand and hold the club in the fingers and not the palm. Make sure the thumb on the trail or lower hand is pointed back up somewhere between your right collar and right shoulder. Even with a good grip it is very possible to get the face open going back and or coming down if the wrist angles are incorrect.
Make sure at the top of the swing the lead wrist is flat and in line with the forearm. Coming down you want it to be the same or even bowed. This will ensure the face is not opening on your downswing. Many of the slicers I see do not release the club to help square the clubface at all. Their wrists freeze up, their arms buckle, and the lead hand stays above the trail hand almost until the finish. No matter how great the rest of the swing is this will always tend to produce a slice and a loss of distance.
Here are three golf slice fixes that will help make sure your club path is not outside-to-in:. At the top of the swing the distance between the elbows should remain consistent to how they were at address.
The downswing starts from the ground up. Even as the upper body and arms are still going back, the lower body is starting the downswing. Putting pressure into the lead foot early in the transition is a big key to getting back to the ball squarely from the inside with more power. This causes an outside-to-in path which leads to a slice.
Once the lower body starts the downswing the torso can quickly follow. The trail elbow must work down and close to the body. This gets the club on an inside track and ready to be delivered and released squarely with body rotation and more power! Swing Align can help you stop slicing in so many ways from set-up all the way to the finish.
Now that you understand how to fix a slice in golf and what you need to do to improve, do yourself a favor and make it that much easier by checking out Swing Align. Changes are hard for anyone and having a device to make it easier is invaluable. Commit to fixing your slice once and for all and let Swing Align take you there! Instruction Instruction Blog.
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