How do say beautiful in spanish
In some countries, this word might be considered a bit formal. For a romantic gentleman or woman , this word is ideal. Many people use this word to flirt. Most of these adjectives can refer to both people and other things as in animals, places, items, or ideas.
In Spanish, the adjective adapts to the gender and number of the noun. For example:. In fact, the entire sentence structure depends on the number and gender of the noun, so mastering that part first is key before tackling adjectives.
For the superlatives in Spanish, we have two forms with several variations. The formula is:. Learning to speak fluent Spanish is not only helpful for romantic endeavors but also to enhance your life in general!
Try Our Award-Winning App. Learn Spanish. You Are Beautiful in Spanish. What Countries Speak Spanish? With Me in Spanish. Worth in Spanish. Write in Spanish. You All in Spanish. You Can Do It in Spanish.
You Have in Spanish. Your in Spanish. Zero in Spanish. What people say about us. Rosetta Stone has got it going on. Sign up to stay in touch. Get Rosetta Stone news and offers. By signing up, I agree to the. Talking about movie genres in Spanish. The 4 seasons in Spanish and how to say. Let's find out how to say beautiful in Spanish, how to translate beautiful from English to Spanish. How to say something is beautiful in Spanish. Words that you should use to say beautiful will depend on the noun that you are defining.
The summer is beautiful - El verano es bello. San Francisco is a beautiful city - San Francisco es un bella ciudad. The forest is very beautiful - El bosque es muy bonito. How to tell a woman that she if beautiful. Read this article and you'll never be short of a way to tell a beautiful Spanish speaker that you like how they look. It's a bit formal, especially in Spain, but it can describe anything: beautiful people, beautiful clothes, a beautiful view, a beautiful mind.
This adjective is more common than bello and, like bello , can describe anything — not just a person. Just be careful if you see bonito on a menu. When used as a noun, the word refers to a type of fish that's similar to tuna and has the same name in English.
Most commonly, it describes an attractive person, especially male, and isn't really used for beautiful objects or places. In some regions of Spain, however, guapo is used more liberally.