Mmo what is cc
What does CC mean Moba? What is Csing? What does KS mean in LoL? What is crowd control in smite? What does CC immunity mean? Ask a Question. Formatting: Spelling, grammar or punctuation errors. Personal Attack: Disrespectful content about a person. Insincere Question: Question not seeking real answers.
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Ninjaing refers to the purposeful looting of a drop from a monster that doesn't follow the rules set by the group. This can take different forms in different games due to game-specific game looting mechanisms. In World of Warcraft, ninja looting refers to rolling for a BoP drop that a person should not have rolled on.
Because WoW warns players when they roll for a BoP object, it is assumed that such behavior cannot be accidental. The player exhibiting such behavior is typically branded as a ninja looter.
Used in a sentence: "Hey tom where did you get that epic sword for your hunter? Original Sound Track. Refers to the game's music. Derived from the original word "own," both words have the same meaning: to defeat some other entity in battle or other form of competition.
The "pwnz" origin is probably from the fact that the "o" and "p" keys are adjacent on the standard qwerty keyboard, and were used interchangeably by mistake in games and stuck around since then. Short for patrol, a term used for mobs that have a set wandering path. In a dungeon, people will usually say "Wait for the pat" or "Watch the pat". Point blank. Used to refer to a class of spells that originates in a radius around the caster.
Typically, these spells are dangerous to the caster because they require proximity to the enemy. Specific spells are typically concatenated with the ability, i. Point blank area of effect. These are a line of spells that effect an area around the caster. They can be either offensive or healing spells. Spells in this category are usually over powered like the Enchanter's pbaoe in Dark Age of Camelot. When a higher level player tries to help a lower level player level faster.
Most games have mechanisms that prevent power leveling. Abbreviation of "programmed random occurrence", refers to the benefits of added damage or other buffing enhancement that occurs randomly when an item strikes or is used. A standard hunting strategy where a player lures a single or a group of mobs to the group so that the group can hunt from a safe area instead of hunting in areas where new mobs may spawn.
Tasks that players must complete for NPCs in games. May be referred to as missions in some games. Represents a pair of tearing eyes. Often used as an insult towards a player who complains about a game feature or turn of events. Used in a sentence: "QQ more nub. The stardard type of keyboard used across the world. Refers to the playable races in a game. Other genres may have unique races such as neohuman. A more substantial engagement involving a large organized group of players typically set in a dungeon and involving difficult bosses.
At certain high levels in some games, you are given the chance to "respec" your character. Short for resurrection. Refers to abilities that revive players that have just died. Typically only available to healer classes. A common class archetype that relies on speed and stealth over brute force or spells. Variants of this class are found in all genres but in slightly different names such as; thief, agent, or assassin. Abbreviation for Real Money Trade - selling virtual currency or items for real currency.
Could also mean Real Money Transfer. Can refer to a class of abilities as well as its effect. A root spell immobilizes a target. The target is then said to be rooted. Early versions of these abilities involved references to plants, hence "root".
Realm vs. A type of player vs player combat that involves large numbers of players who belong to different factions or realms. Due to technical reasons, each server can only support a limited amount of players. Players cannot interact with players on other servers though they can usually transfer for a fee. Synonymous with server, originally used to refer to servers in Ultima Online.
An item-control mechanic where an item cannot be traded. In other words, only one person can own the object and it cannot be traded. See also BoE and BoP. Short for specification.
Spirit controls a character's passive mana regeneration ability. A typical form of crowd control that immobilizes an enemy. Skills, spells, and other abilities may have the power to stun. Abbreviation for Star Wars Galaxies. An online game based on the Star Wars universe and published by Sony. An acronym for Team Arena Brawler. Describers games like Battlerite.
As a noun, refers to character classes that can take a lot of damage. As a verb, refers to the act of drawing aggro from mobs before other team members strike with their abilities.
Duel meanings. As a verb, the act of giving currency or valuable items to a newbie. As a noun, refers to a character that is twinked. In many games, twinked characters are visually marked by their level-inappropriate gear.
To rapidly change from one type of ability to another where the abilities overlap momentarily. In DAOC a bard sings a song that gives a buff. By rapidly changing the song several songs will overlap due to the duration of the songs continuing for a short period of time. Short for United States of America, the greatest country in the world.
All other countries are lame. In a sentence: "Hey Mike, where you from? It was released with high hopes but quickly faded away. Used in a sentence "Hey I just bought Vanguard! To "wipe" means for the entire group whether party or raid to all die. However, party or raid can only continue if there is a class that can resurrect oneself, thereby avoiding the time consumed from running back from the the graveyard and regrouping at the beginning of the instance.
Abbreviation of 'way to go. Example: "I just died again to this boss! Short for experience points. Often earned by killing monsters, completing quests, or other achievements. When enough xp is acquired, players often level up or become stronger. A face with the tongue sticking out. Usually used in informal conversations of comedic situations. Example: "We should mess around on our alts xD".
The tree of life found in many RPGs from Nordic mythology. Ragnarok Online in particular has many references to this magic tree. A combat strategy where a large group of players rush in at the target. Seen as a simple-minded strategy that requires no skill. Popularized by Starcraft's "zerg" race, which specialized in quick attacks. In games where different areas of the world are parceled out for loading reasons, different areas are referred to.
AE Area Effect. Used to refer to area-effect spells or abilities. AFK Away from keyboard Aggro As a verb, it refers to a hostile mob that has noticed a player and is actively trying to attack that player.
Alt Short for "alternate". AO Abbreviation for Anarchy Online. Area of Effect. Attribute e. Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, etc. Bind In certain MMOs, characters are teleported back to a safe spot when they die. Bio Short for biological. Usually used to indicate bathroom break. BoE Short for "bind on equip" - a term popularized by World of Warcraft.
BoP Short for "bind on pickup" - a term popularized by World of Warcraft. BRB "be right back" Bot Generally illegal and discouraged form of gameplay, where actions of a character can be automated to perform actions repeatedly in order to gain experience and level without actual user intervention.
Corpse In certain MMOs, a corpse appears where the player died. Corpse Run The act of retrieving your corpse after you have died. Crafting A general category of skills that allows players to manufacture objects from raw resources Crit "To crit" refers to landing a critical hit either with melee or spells.
DD Direct Damage. Debuff The opposite of a buff. Dex An important stat for rogues and archers. Dirt Nap Slang for dead. Most corpses lie on the ground when killed. DKP Dragon kill points. DoT Damage over time. DPS Damage per second. Used when figuring out weapon speed and damage. Most players lie on the ground face down when killed.
Epic s A class of items or equipment that are very powerful and difficult to acquire. FTL Acronym meaning 'for the lose'. FTW Acronym meaning 'for the win'. F2P Acronym for "Free to play". F2W Acronym for "free to win". Same meaning as free to play.
GM Game Master. Griefer Title for a player who enjoys inflicting pain upon other players needlessly. Guilds Semi-permanent player groups. GTG "good to go" and "got to go" - can be confusing when context is unclear H Heal A spell or skill that restores the health of the target. Health A common attribute, also called hit points or HP, that signifies the character's life. IMHO Simply means 'in my humble opinion. Refers to micro-transactions in mobile games.
INC Abbreviation for 'incoming'. INT A common stat that stands for intelligence. IRL Stands for 'in real life. Instance A copy of a particular dungeon for a group of players. KoS Acronym for "Kill on Sight".
LoS Line of sight. Loot Currency or items that are dropped by a mob when it's defeated. Min-Maxing When players attempt to create their characters as powerful as they can be by crunching statistics, planning their future routes, and any other methods in order to make their characters the statistically best character possible. Mob An AI controlled monster.
Mod Abbreviation of modification. MT "mistell". Mule In many games, due to long travel times or inventory limits, it is helpful to create a character explicitly for the purpose of being able to check auction houses or store extra items.
Newbie is usually the nicer version of noob or nub. I Nuke A spell type that deals the highest damage. Mages usually have the most nukes. OOM "out of mana" Said by casters who's mana supply is depleted.
Ownz Derived from the original word "own," both words have the same meaning: to defeat some other entity in battle or other form of competition.
PB Point blank. PC Player Character. PK Player Killing. PKer Player Killer - a person who primarily plays to kill other players. Port Short for teleport. Used as a noun and a verb. Power Level When a higher level player tries to help a lower level player level faster.