Which stats for witch doctor

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I like the casters so much I can't decide which one should be my main. My friends all melee characters tell me that act 2 inferno is significantly harder then act 1, so I should be gearing for act 2. I have several questions about the gear for both toons:. The reason I ask is because I might want to switch my main from wizard to witch doctor, and I don't want to spend more gold to re-gear.

Obviously, the more def stats the better, but what should I be aiming for? Would that be adequate to gear one character for act 2 inferno? Here are some general things I've observed from playing with a friend who runs both a Wizard and Witch Doctor both glass cannon builds. Just beat act 3 inferno as a wizard, cant talk about wdoctor, heres a useful tip and rule to stand by. Act 1 needs about resistences across the board, act 2 is or so act 3 to and act 4 is prolly around plus, please note that includes the bonus from energy armour.

Life on hit is also big if you can get it as is a socket for critical damage, preferably with base critical and high int on weapon, you want at least 33k dps to beat the first 2 acts with a fair amount of ease. Archeon is also a very good option, as is diamond skin, a hydra of some sort is also good for kiting. As for the money it really depends if you happen to find the right gear at the right price, it is possible to gear for act 1 and 2 with 1.

As a ranged class, make sure that you have runspeed on your boots - won't help you to outrun fast soul lashers, but it is very useful in a lot of places. I also like life regen so my health refills while running around between fights, and it can make a difference in those long drawn out fights where you survive with a few hp.

Don't forget the importance of defensive skills; and using Elective mode if nobody pointed that out yet. Their desired attributes are similar to that of wizard above, with some caveats:. Note that there are of course some stats more useful for specific builds; e. I am currently about half way through act2 inferno with my wizard. I have been experimenting with more and less defensive builds. One thing that I am sure of now, is that high resist-all is not the answer!

What seems to get most people through, and what has worked for me is the following:. The trick is to be quick on your feet, and simply avoid as much as you can. Unfortunately inherently fast champion packs with "Fast" added will destroy you regardless, so when you meet them, simply kite them to a corner of the map, and never go there again :.

Witch Doctor Pet Build. I use a one handed axe and a shield right now which helps with the occasional block. I did get my butt kicked a little in Act 2 by the Lacuni Huntress just because of speed but with 6 pets and the Templar shooting from a range was easier then working with my Demon Hunter.

As wizard in A1 Inferno I'm doing fine with completely ignoring resistances - you will die occasionally, but that will happen no matter what you do, unless you play and gear hardcore-style.

Some affixes will just do that such as the bane of hydra builds: invulnerable minions paired with other nasties. As for 3 , while there are some wizards advocating 2h, there is not much point to it due to the fact that wizard and witch doctor offhands have damage amounts that bring 1h weapons plus offfhand close to, if not equal to, 2h, but with the additional perks such as int or crit from two slots.

It is fairly cheap to get a starting set - on EU, dps 1hands are as low as k and below, and offhands with a ish damage range are even cheaper. Unfortunately, the AH doesn't allow to look for damage range on offhands - which is quite absurd, as it's by far the most powerful stat for them - so you'll need to manually glance over.

Another thing worth looking for if you're budget-conscious and using a kiting build: Hammers Jammers pants. They're level 41 legendaries, and comparatively decent ones are available in the k range. If that's the case, you can give up a socket for an Amethyst, but this should be a short-term solution as you look to acquire Vitality from elsewhere in the long-term. We've said it for other classes in our guide, and we'll say it again for the Witch Doctor: the key to maximising your end-game gear lies in acquiring the Ring of Royal Grandeur.

With it, you'll be able to gain the set bonuses of armour with one less piece of each set equipped. Alongside that particular ring, you're looking for the aforementioned Stone of Jordan and a Mask of Jeram Head piece. Tasker and Theo is a superb Gloves option, while the Jade Harvest and Aughild's sets are worth equipping so that you can exploit the set bonuses. As for weaponry, both the Uhkapian Serpent and Thing of the Deep are extremely popular off-hand Mojos, while Thunderfury yet again takes the crown as the most popular weapon.

Just make sure your character build reflects the bonuses you receive from your newly acquired gear. Need more Diablo 3 help? As always, the faster you can move around the environment, the faster you can reach objectives and new packs of monsters to obliterate. For this reason, throw everything you've got into the Core category's Movement Speed until you've maxed it out. Then focus on increasing your Intelligence rating. Each of our class guides contains advice for allocating Paragon points.

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Premium only Ask Eurogamer: News. So is the Witch Doctor good in Season 24? Yes, but only if you stick to one of the two builds mentioned above. The best Witch Doctor build for Diablo 3 season 24 patch 2.

You'll need to gather the full Mundunugu Regalia armour set. Follow the links if you would like a closer look at the stats on the Diablo 3 website:. Having two pieces in the set means the Big Bad Voodoo skill now follows the caster and lasts twice as long. Along with the Mundunugu Regalia set, you'll want to equip the following to really maximise the build potential:.

The new Ethereals are powerful new weapons coming to the game in Season But they are only available in Season 24, so make the most of them whilst you can. An interesting aspect of these new weapons is that they have no durability and can never break.

You can see our full list of Ethereal Weapons on the link, but for the sake of our chosen Witch Doctor build, we're ideally hoping that we pick up Arioc's Needle. The two other Ethereal weapons, Ghostflame and The Gidbinn are not useful for this build.


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